Come! Come! I called you, and i caught you, and now here we are - and now?
We:we don't like it, we love, we fear, we use:it. We use, we are used to use it-us-we. You and me - is it different? It always is. It is.
No prices to pay this time: just choices to make. No cold, no warm, just empty freedom. I chose so many times - selfishly, but willingly - and I would not say I made the wrong choices, choices are and are not, not wrong or right... but still: not satisfied. I must have overlooked something. I must have overlooked something. I should be happy but I'm not.
Do we dance differently to-day?
Mirrors and projections - we might lose ourselves, but we still have each other. We can touch: each other. I can touch your face, and it's not mine, i feel it with my fingers and I know: It's not mine. What a great relief .
To make choices, and then live with it: to change our mind - not to regret. Changing. Changing. Changeling. I - you - we - do: not belong. not be. long. for there, for the mountain: we gladly chose to carry whatever load is given, just to climb, just to try, never quite getting ther, but not carrying is not an option.
Raised to be artists: too obsessed with all the dusty mirror stuff not to look; take what should be ours, and we will never get there, but on our way, we see things...
Same same: but different. We want to give: not to be taken. Every whole human being wants to give, because we are so much more than we need, and everyone else seems to be so hungry. Predators everywhere, and they look so fucking human. And they fuck humans and they eat their souls, fucked up, the tasty, fucked up human souls.
Drawn in - pulled out. Drawn and strechted and pulled -
please don't: please do. please: don't please.
Take all your colours: There'll be white. Take all of mine: there'll be black. A different view -
Same same, but different. Yes, so many times we have met, and this time, you did not make me forget, you didn't make me DO you WERE you ARE, an empty THERE, waves and trees, sapphire green, humbly, crawling, history...
Yes. That's how it usually looks up there. Confusing, somewhat frightening, and probably quite vain from the outside...
This one, too, is for the dancer in red, the one and the other, and also a bit for the one with the eyes (graublaugrün? grünblaugrau? blaugraugrün?) I crave and fear - please forgive. I'll be there as soon as I can.